菜单 基因医生

人妊娠特异性糖蛋白(psgs)是胎盘滋养层大量合成并在妊娠期间释放到母体循环中的一类蛋白质。多个psg基因的克隆和分析表明,psg是癌胚抗原(cea)基因家族的一个亚群,属于免疫球蛋白基因超家族。CEA家族成员由一个单一的N结构域组成,其结构类似于免疫球蛋白可变结构域,随后是一个可变数目的免疫球蛋白常数,类似于a和/或B结构域大多数psg具有arg-gly-asp(RGD)基序,该基序已被证明在N-末端结构域中作为多个整合素的粘附识别信号发挥作用(由Teglund等人总结,1994【PubMed 7851896】有关psg基因家族的其他一般信息,请参见psg1(mim 176390)。[由omim提供,2009年10月]
The human pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) are a family of proteins that are synthesized in large amounts by placental trophoblasts and released into the maternal circulation during pregnancy. Molecular cloning and analysis of several PSG genes has indicated that the PSGs form a subgroup of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family, which belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily of genes. Members of the CEA family consist of a single N domain, with structural similarity to the immunoglobulin variable domains, followed by a variable number of immunoglobulin constant-like A and/or B domains. Most PSGs have an arg-gly-asp (RGD) motif, which has been shown to function as an adhesion recognition signal for several integrins, in the N-terminal domain (summary by Teglund et al., 1994 [PubMed 7851896]). For additional general information about the PSG gene family, see PSG1 (MIM 176390).[supplied by OMIM, Oct 2009]

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PSG2 基因突变与药物