该基因编码一种属于gli家族c2h2型锌指蛋白亚类的蛋白质。这个亚类的成员被描述为通过锌指基序结合dna的转录因子。这些基序包含保守的h-c链。gli家族锌指蛋白是声刺猬(sonic hedgehog,shh)信号传导的介质,在胚胎癌细胞中作为有效的癌基因存在。该基因编码的蛋白质定位于细胞质并激活果蝇同源基因(ptch)的表达。它也被认为在胚胎发生过程中起作用。编码蛋白与多种表型相关-格雷格头足综合征、帕利斯特-霍尔综合征、前轴多指畸形IV型、后轴多指畸形A1和B型。[由Refseq提供,2008年7月]
This gene encodes a protein which belongs to the C2H2-type zinc finger protein subclass of the Gli family. Members of this subclass are characterized as transcription factors which bind DNA through zinc finger motifs. These motifs contain conserved H-C links. Gli family zinc finger proteins are mediators of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling and they are implicated as potent oncogenes in the embryonal carcinoma cell. The protein encoded by this gene localizes to the cytoplasm and activates patched Drosophila homolog (PTCH) gene expression. It is also thought to play a role during embryogenesis. The encoded protein is associated with several phenotypes- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome, Pallister-Hall syndrome, preaxial polydactyly type IV, postaxial polydactyly types A1 and B. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]